Online teaching & learning

Proiecte in lucru


FDI 2020-0454 (finantat de MECS)

„Calitate in procesul didactic universitar prin utilizarea pe platforme eLearning a materialului didactic multimedial”

Scopul proiectului

Imbunatatirea calitatii activitatii didactice in UNArteGE Iasi prin elaborarea de material didactic in format multimedial, integrat pe Platforma proprie eLearning. Dezvoltarea unei metode practice generice, ce va fi difuzata intregii comunitati academice de la nivelul Universitatii, dar si pe plan national, mediului academic romanesc si celui preuniversitar, precum si partenerilor de peste hotare ai Universitatii.

Obiectivele proiectului

O1. Dezvoltarea unei metode tehnologice sistematice de realizare a cursurilor universitare in format multimedial si difuzarea ei in mediul academic romanesc, precum si la nivelul partenerilor institutionali universitari externi. O2. Realizarea unui set amplu de materiale didactice de curs pentru o serie de discipline (atat teoretice cat si aplicative), care sa acopere o gama larga de specializari ale UNAGE, dar si materiale didactice cu caracter generic, cu rol de model pentru invatamantul universitar, in general. O3. Perfecţionarea personalului didactic propriu prin asimilarea noilor metode de generare a cursurilor in format multimedial precum si adaptarea mijloacelor de predare-invatare la cerinte contemporane, in acord cu stadiul de implementare a TIC din institutie si domeniul profesional vizat. O4. Implementarea cursurilor in format multimedial pe platforma eLearning proprie, in vederea exploatarii lor curente. O5. Dezvoltarea cooperarii internationale pe palierul didactic prin realizarea unor sesiuni demonstrative live de predare online. O6. Studierea relatiei in care se afla calitatea procesului didactic si utilizarea solutiilor TIC implementate pe platforme eLearning cu exploatare online. O7. Actualizare tehnologica si extindere facilitati pentru Platforma eLearning proprie. O8. Difuzarea si diseminarea metodei, dezvoltata in cadrul Proiectului, catre comunitatea academica, la nivel intern, national si international.


Ongoing projects


FDI 2020-0454 (funded by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research)

“Quality in the university teaching process through the use of multimedia teaching material on eLearning platforms”

The purpose of the project

Improving the quality of teaching activity in UNArteGE Iasi by developing teaching material in multimedia format, integrated on its own eLearning Platform. The development of a generic practical method, which will be disseminated to the entire academic community at the academic and high schools level, but also on a national level, to the Romanian university environment, as well as to the foreign partners of the University.

Project objectives

O1. Development of a systematic technological method for conducting university courses in multimedia format and its dissemination in the Romanian academic environment, as well as at the level of external university institutional partners. O2. Development of a wide range of course teaching materials for a number of disciplines (both theoretical and applied), covering a wide range of specializations of UNAGE, but also generic teaching materials, as a model for university education, in general. O3. Improving the own teaching staff by assimilating the new methods of generating the courses in multimedia format as well as adapting the teaching-learning means to contemporary requirements, in accordance with the stage of implementation of ICT in the institution and the professional field concerned. O4. Implementation of courses in multimedia format on its own eLearning platform, in order to exploit them currently. O5. Development of international cooperation on the didactic level by conducting live demonstration sessions of online teaching. O6. Studying the relationship between the quality of the teaching process and the use of ICT solutions implemented on eLearning platforms with online operation. O7. Technological update and extension of facilities for our own eLearning Platform. O8. Dissemination and dissemination of the method, developed within the Project, to the academic community, at internal, national and international level.